Hermes Kelly Sellier 28cm
Hermes Kelly Sellier 28cm
Please note:
The Luxury Savvy is an independent retailer specialising in authentic pre-owned luxury fashion. All items listed for sale are pre-owned unless otherwise stated, and we are not affiliated with any of the brands we carry. Each item comes with our Authenticity Guarantee.
While some items may be unworn, they may show minor signs of storage or other imperfections. We encourage you to carefully read all descriptions and review all photos before making a purchase. Please be aware that the colour of the item may vary slightly due to lighting conditions during photography. Feel free to contact us if you’d like more information about an item.
Shipping & Insurance
We offer international shipping on all our items. To ensure your purchase is fully protected during transit, we strongly recommend purchasing additional insurance for shipping. If you choose to do so, please inform us beforehand so we can assist with the necessary arrangements.
For international orders, please note that shipments will arrive DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid).
This means any customs duties or taxes that may apply upon arrival in your country will be the responsibility of the recipient. These fees are usually collected by the courier or your local customs office. We recommend checking with your local customs authority for more information about potential charges.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re happy to help!